Air Conditioning

You soon know it if your Porsche’s air conditioning system isn’t working properly.

The cabin won’t heat up or cool down as you need it to, there may be unpleasant smells, and your windscreen might not clear of condensation, meaning you need to wipe it down.

If any of this sounds familiar, come to Revolution Porsche Specialists. We’re experienced with car air conditioning and will be able to pinpoint exactly what the issue is. Common reasons for aircon failure include low gas, perforated hoses/pipes and corroded condensers. All those problems can be solved, but costs for the repairs vary depending on the precise issue and the model of your Porsche.

An air conditioning service includes:

  • Vacuuming the system to remove moisture
  • A leak detection test using UV dye
  • The gas being refilled to the correct level for the most efficient performance
  • Oil top-up, if required

At Revolution Porsche Specialists, we carry both the R134a and R-1234yf gasses.

  • An air conditioning service with the R134a gas costs £80 + VAT.
  • An air conditioning service with the R-1234yf gas costs £120 + VAT.

Revolution Porsche Specialists in Birstall are PPN members (Porsche Partner Network). This status isn’t won easily and makes us very proud. It gives us access to Porsche’s own diagnostic systems, and further demonstrates the depth and breadth of our experience and skill working on all water-cooled Porsche models.

To find out more about Air Conditioning in Birstall, contact us online or call us directly on 0113 468 6020

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136 Leeds Road
West Yorkshire
WF17 0HH
0113 468 6020

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Opening Times

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday 08:30 - 12:30
Sunday Closed

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